On 3rd December 2020, the 4th workshop of the RMIS (Raw Materials Information System) will be held online by JRC (Joint Research Centre) and EASME (European Agency for Small and Medium Enterprises) and it will have as object “Channelling knowledge from European projects into the Raw Materials Information System (RMIS)”. ICAMCyL (International Center in Advanced Materials and raw materials of Castilla y León) has been invited to represent the TARANTULA project in the workshop, to broad the European knowledge on the strong metals like tungsten, tantalum and niobium .
The workshop has the scope of understanding how RMIS can help the invited projects to fulfill the most relevant knowledge needs and, at the same time, how these projects can help the RMIS targets; in addition attention will be payed to empower the best technologies for the required knowledge transfers.
Through ICAMCyL, the TARANTULA project will bring its expertise on mapping and valorizing low-grade European mineral sources as well as its expertise on civil society engagement and on the concept of ‘social license to operate’. In fact, ICAMCyL is involved in the work package 8 on Communication, dissemination, exploitation and clustering, which has the purpose of developing a pro-active engagement of relevant stakeholders. ICAMCyL, a private non-profit organization involved in sustainable mining and advanced materials, is already engaged in ICT solutions and data management of raw materials and reserves in the territory of Castilla and Leon (in the North of Spain) as well as in other territories in Spain and abroad with the support of local companies, as in the case of TARANTULA. Moreover, they have already created a catalogue of tailings with digital access to contribute to the RMIS initiatives, such as the workshop planned on 3rd December…good luck ICAMCyL!
Stay tuned on the websites of TARANTULA and of ICAMCyL to know about the lessons learned for the 4th RMIS workshop!