High level expert panel on SLO topic (Brussels: 6-6-2019)

  “Ensuring that ‘Social License to Operate’ (SLO) is Adaptive and Resilient” is the topic of a workshop organized on 5-6 June 2019 by the MIREU project. After the workshop, the NEMO, CROCODILE and TARANTULA projects team up for a clustering event on SLO in which they...

Green slag valorisation is now an industrial success story

On April 1-5, 2019, the Sixth International Slag Valorisation Symposium took place in Mechelen, Belgium. This Symposium aims at contributing towards near zero-waste processing and closing material loops in the metallurgical sector through creating applications for...

Are Chinese policies disrupting the REE supply chain?

Gone are the days of singe stream production, we now live in a world of supply chains. These supply chains are becoming increasingly complex and interwoven.  The rare earth (REE) supply chain is notoriously contentious and convoluted, and has been subject to many...