PLATIRUS Exploitation Workshop (April 21, 2021)

The PLATIRUS project is organizing an Online Exploitation Workshop on 21 April. The event will bring together stakeholders from across the Europe who are interested in the topic of the recovery of Platinum Group Metals (PGMs) from a wide variety of waste resources...

“Recycling mining waste, a new business?” (April 27, 2021)

Can the recycling of mining waste become a new business? That is the main question to be addressed in the Lunch Event & Debate organised by the Horizon2020 NEMO project. The event aims to present novel solutions for the treatment of mining waste, which comprises...

The EU TARANTULA team took part in the RMIS-H2020 workshop

TARANTULA was present at the Raw Materials Information System (RMIS) workshop of December 3, 2020. ICAMCYL researchers learned first-hand from the EU commissioners about the Background of RMIS & general IT-related recommendations to channel the knowledge...