Sustainability of artisanal mining of cobalt in DR Congo

How sustainable is artisanal cobalt mining in DR Congo? That’s the research question which was addressed in a Nature Sustainability paper by a group of researchers of the University of Lubumbashi in collaboration with a team from KU Leuven. The study investigated the...

Why tungsten, niobium and tantalum are critical raw materials

Critical raw materials (CRMs) have been listed by the European Commission according to their Supply Risk (SR) and their Economic Importance (EI) for the European Union (EU) industry. Other parameters involved in the evaluation are: the import reliance, the...

New video: The Dark Side of the Circular Economy

“The Dark Side of the Circular Economy”, that’s the title of the Aftermovie for the 5th Enhanced Landfill Mining Symposium in Leuven (5-2-2020) (made by Stijn van Baarle, Storyrunner). Referring to the EC’s European Green Deal the video highlights that the...