ICAMCyL will represent TARANTULA at the next RMIS workshop

On 3rd December 2020, the 4th workshop of the RMIS (Raw Materials Information System) will be held online by JRC (Joint Research Centre) and EASME (European Agency for Small and Medium Enterprises) and it will have as object “Channelling knowledge from European...

CRM list 2020: how critical are W, Nb and Ta for EU in 2020?

The 4th list of Critical Raw Materials has been published by the European Commission at the beginning of September 2020 [1]. A trend of increased criticality is observed for all raw materials in 2020 compared to 2017: niobium, tantalum and tungsten, the target metals...

“Recycling the strongest metals”, TARANTULA’s new video

“Recycling the strongest metals” is the title of the animated TARANTULA project presentation movie. Researchers Seftel Elena Mihaela (VITO) and Martina Orefice (KU Leuven) explain the concept of the TARANTULA project, which aims at the recovery of tungsten, niobium...

Upgrading CERN with niobium-tin magnets

Superconductivity was first identified in 1911, but for many years remained a laboratory curiosity while metallurgical and manufacturing technology struggled to catch up. The first niobium-based superconductor discovered was niobium-tin (Nb3Sn) by Bell Telephone...

The Anders Gustaf Ekeberg Tantalum Prize 2020

The Anders Gustaf Ekeberg Tantalum Prize (‘Ekeberg Prize’) is awarded annually by the T.I.C. for excellence in tantalum research and innovation. The Ekeberg Prize, set up in 2017, increases awareness of the many unique properties of tantalum products and...